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LDAP Authenticated User

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Two-factor Authentication (2FA)

2FA is currently

Passwordless Login

Passwordless login allows you to authenticate using your device, fingerprint, a security key, or any other Webauthn compatible security method.

Change Password

Current Password
New Password
Confirm Password
Password Strength


Metrics and Status


Connection Info

Primary Endpoint 🔗
Connection Link

Network Port Status

  No port information available.

No Schedule Set

Create a new trigger to make tasks run at a given interval or in response to an event.

Emitted Values

This task failed the last time it ran:

No Tasks Added

Add a new task to this trigger to perform actions once this trigger is activated, such as taking a backup.

Username Logged in at Last activity IP Address Device


LDAP Authenticated User

Last login:

Email Address


Disabled users cannot log in, but retain all their data.

Password Expires

If enabled, user passwords expire after 90 days and must be changed in order to log in again.

Cannot Change Password

Prevents this user from being able to change their own password, but it can still be changed by an administrator. Useful for bots or service accounts.

Require Password Change

Mandates that the user change their password next time they log in. This flag is cleared automatically once the user has done this.

Change Password

New Password

Confirm Password

Password Strength

Role Membership

Control which roles this user is a member of. Roles that deny permissions take precedence over those that allow.

Delete User

This will permanently delete this user and all associated data.

If this user logs in again over LDAP, the user will be recreated. You should delete the user in your directory server before deleting it here.


User Timestamp Source Category Message

Permissions for

Instance Specific

This role is specific to this instance and is not visible to other instances

Users created outside this instance can still be assigned this role

Global Role

This role is visible in all instances, but has different permissions in each instance

Edit this role from inside a single instance to change what effect it will have

Template Role

The permissions for this role are the same across all instances except ADS

Changing permissions for this role will change it in all other instances except ADS which will continue to have separate permissions.

Read Only

This role cannot be modified

This role is managed by AMP and cannot be edited

Delete Role

This will permanently delete this role and any associated data


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Issue Category

Which category best describes the problem you are having?

Connectivity Problems

Which of the following are best describes the issue?

You may find the following support article useful:

Problem Description

Please fill in all the fields below. All responses must be in English.


In a few words, what is it that you're currently trying to do?


Briefly describe the issue in between 4 and 10 words (120 characters max)

Reproduction Steps

What steps have you performed to get to your current situation? (Minimum 3 steps)


Detailed Description

Authentication Tokens

Last Used Description Created Action

User Information

IP Address
Join Time

Edit task

Add a new task

What task would you like to perform?

Consumed Values

This task consumes no values.

Name Value

Available Variables

Click on a parameter to insert it into your value.

Edit trigger

Add a new trigger

What type of trigger would you like to add?

Event Trigger

Advanced Time Interval Trigger





Not Selected

Server Timezone:

What do you want to call this trigger?

Simple Time Interval Trigger

Every On the Minutes Hours at of each month at :

This trigger will not fire on months that have fewer than days.

Server Timezone:

Emitted Values

This trigger emits no values.

  • Time

Mobile Login

A single-use QR code. Scan this with a mobile device. Not seeing anything here? Try disabling ad-blockers/privacy plugins for this page.

Scan this QR code on your mobile device to log in as the current user.

This is a single-use code that cannot be used again once scanned. It will remain valid for 30 seconds.

Change Password

A password change is required to log in with this user

Old Password
New Password
Confirm Password
2FA Code (If enabled)
Password Strength

Notifications ()
User Avatar
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